We exist to spread a passion for Jesus, His people, and His purposes in the earth.
Welcome to Antioch Houston! We are here to spread a passion for Jesus, His people and His purposes on the earth. We long to see more and more people, regardless of whether near or far, become obedient, wholehearted and reproducing followers of Jesus.
We don’t think a church needs to be complicated, but it does need to be real. If you are looking for perfect people, look to Jesus. If you are looking for a place you will always feel comfortable, well, we can’t guarantee that. But if you are hungry for God and ready for an adventure, then you will find like-hearted people here, who still believe that Jesus Christ through the local church is the hope of the world! To find out more and get connected click the new here button below.
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. - Matthew 22:37-38
Sundays at 10am
Join us on Sundays as we gather for passionate worship, biblical teaching, and an emphasis on living out the Word of God in community. We currently meet at Grace Christian Academy (14325 Crescent Landing Dr, Houston, TX 77062).
God made us for community. You were not meant to be alone. We all need encouragement, support, and accountability as we follow Jesus. One of our chief desires as a church is to connect every man, woman, and child to a vibrant community of people who are seeking after Jesus and His purposes on the Earth.
There are lots of ways to jump in at Antioch Houston. Here you will find a list of upcoming events and information on how to join in!