From its foundation, Antioch Houston has felt the call to make disciples of all nations. We soon realized that the nations are in our own backyard! One out of four people in Houston were born outside of the United States. We commissioned the Nations Houston team to make disciples of all nations in the Gulfton area of Houston, TX, as well as mobilize and equip our church body to minister to the unreached people of our city.
Nations Houston is funded by donations. Please pray and consider supporting the ministry by giving a one-time donation. We are thankful for the love and support.

Distributing school supplies to an Afghan refugee community.

Partnering with a local church to donate groceries to the refugee community.

On a prayer walk with a short term trip from North Carolina.

At a home visit with an Afghan family and friends.
Prayer calls
A time to pray for the ministry and the refugees we are connecting with. We meet weekly on Thursdays at 12pm.
Prayer Walks/ Outreach times
We go on walks at varying apartment complexes or parks. During these outreaches we spend time praying and speaking the Word over the location . We also use this time to connect with people. Bi-monthly, every 2nd and 4th wednesday of the month at 6pm.
Food distribution
We partner with the Houston Food bank and a local church (IPC Hebron). We meet at IPC church and gather boxes of produce. We then go distribute them at different refugee apartment complexes. Bi-monthly, every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month.
Nations Houston Team Director.
He has lived in Houston since late 2015, having arrived here after being persecuted and deported because of making disciples and leading the Discovery Bible Study group in Dubai, UAE. He is Persian with a heart for all nations, especially those of Islamic background. Mateen is well trained in the church planting strategy known as Disciple Making Movement--the strategy employed by the Nations Houston CP Team. Mateen speaks Farsi, Dari, and Arabic.
Moved to Houston from the Dominican Republic in 2021. She participated in Antioch Training School during 2021-22. She was already in process to join the Nations Houston team when Mateen proposed marriage. She and Mateen married in March 2022. Yurisa speaks Spanish and is learning Dari.