Our mission is to make disciple-makers, multiply churches, and mobilize transformational leaders in our region, nation, and the nations of the earth. We want to see more and more people saved, gathered, established, restored, surrendered, trained and sent into the world.

Gathered: We want to see the unchurched integrated into relationships and service.


  • 10 lifegroup Values and Vision: Lifegroups are so much more than a meeting or Bible study; Lifegroups are the church living together on mission like the early church in Acts 2:41-47. Lifegroups is where church becomes family.

  • Worship playlists: Spotify Worship / YouTube Worship:  This is a helpful tool for lifegroup worship. They are updated regularly to keep you connected to our church and songs we are singing.

  • Discipleship Starting Point: This online personal assessment has been designed to help disciple makers get to know where someone is coming from in the spiritual life. The results can also guide people to form a plan of topics to address and develop a starting point in a discipleship relationship.

  • How People Change: This diagram is a tool that teaches us to abide in Jesus by identifying the "heat" (challenges, blessings, struggles, etc.) in our lives, acknowledging the negative responses we are tempted with, bringing them to the cross, and seeking God's guidance in the moment so that we obey Him and bear fruit with Him.