We believe this season of life is a time of refining and defining your faith! Hebrews 10:23 "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful" College and Young Adults Ministry is created to help build community, find discipleship, and equipping for people as they enter college and transition out of college and into the workforce. This ministry is designed for people in college and transitioning out of college, new to the workforce. We meet in Lifegroups, social outings, and all together throughout the year. If you have any questions please reach out to the
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to the zone pastor over the college and young adults, Lincoln Hilton

Our Lifegroups
The young adults / College consist of 5 lifegroups meeting throughout the week with roughly 120 young adults! If you need help finding a lifegroup please reach out to the zone pastors listed above.
Upcoming Events
Behold - 1st Wednesday of every month from 7-9 pm at:
Antioch Office
1635 Broadway St, #113
Pearland, TX 77581
Hilton/Rowlands Section
Lloyd & Olivia Dacanay (College) Location La Marque:
Tuesday at 7pm.
Joe & Cara Brownfield/Vikki Amend: Location: League City.
Brownfield house 807 W Galveston St.
Wednesday at 7pm.
Gerrit & Olivia Van Zijil Location Pearland:
Thursday at 7pm.
Smith Section:
Briggs (Married Lifegroup): Location Friendswood:
Briggs house 408 Broadmoor Dr.
Tuesday at 7pm.
Truong (Emerging Families Lifegroup) Location Webster:
Truong house 335 El Toro Ln.
Tuesdays at 6pm.